Editor's review
This is a network monitoring tool.
NetCrunch lets you do network monitoring. You will be able to monitor network traffic, check connectivity, monitor bandwidth at layer 2, Maps/ VLANs/ SNMP with MIB database. Features related to this monitoring function that are useful include Alert Correlation & Escalation, Windows Event Log Monitoring, SNMP trap server, Syslog Server, Text log monitoring, Remote Actions, etc. It is compatible with Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, VMware ESXi, etc. It is capable of application monitoring, files and folder monitoring, hardware and software inventory, etc. Monitoring packs help NetCrunch manage to monitor quite easily. They can be automatically assigned based upon rules you set up. There are some 100 predefined monitoring packs for popular systems, devices and applications. Graphics and charts help. This tool is able to automatically create Layer 2 maps, routing maps and automatically manage and update many predefined views. You can define a network map, multiple performance data charts or top charts. You can use your own rules and set them up. This application will do the updates.
This utility is optimized for monitoring a large number of parameters. For example, monitoring a 1000 nodes will mean 30,000 parameters to be tracked and the data generated could easily choke the network. It uses techniques like preventing false alerts, and console protocol optimization, etc. The internal alerts are correlated by default, meaning that the application knows when an alert begins and closes. External alerts (syslog, SNMP traps, Windows Events) will need to be correlated by adding closing events to the defined alert. This tool can execute more actions than only notifications (text messages, desktop and email). It can execute scripts on all the compatible OS environments to get machines/services restarted and set SNMP variables. This is a very good tool.
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